Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big B 33

Happy birthday Brant! You are a great friend, a wonderful son, and an amazing dad!

Happy 33rd
What a lucky guy how about 3 celebrations! We were traveling back on his birthday. We stopped in Monroe (the night before), Kanab & then arrived back home late that night!
In Monroe, Brant was able to go golfing with his good friend Brady, enjoy boiled meat (a smith tradition). Brant said it was the best meat he'd ever had J. And no birthday with the smiths would be complete without a special cake (Michelle you are the best).

This tradition with Smith's began 6 years ago, when we wrecked on a motorcycle on Brant's 27th birthday. After we finished up at the hospital we celebrated with a special cake and Brant's favorite Cream Soda from Brady's special glasses! The glasses have faded but Brant you don't look a day over 26!
Scars have faded too!
And thank you Smith's for the garden goods! When we arrived in Kanab Brant's mom was ready to celebrate her baby turning 33. She made lunch for us with a spread from the Garden and sent us home with garden goodness as well. Grandma even had these cute kiss cupcakes for us too!
You better feel pretty loved Brant.When we finally returned home that night, the kids could not wait to give dad his birthday gifts!

Hope you still had a great birthday with all that travel, thanks for being such a good sport!



Jonathon and Amanda said...

Looks like he got spoiled. Lucky guy!!

Mikkel said...

Happy 33! Your not too much older than Jerron at all! He just turned 30 a couple days ago!

Stacie said...

Ha! I totally thought it looked like a beer Brant was drinking! Happy birthday!