Sunday, January 29, 2012


Heath is a man with his own ideas. He is very inquisitive which I can usually handle but the other day I said, "OK bud no more questions or I’m going to knock you into next week!" His response, “Which day in next week?” AHH! He loves that Phoenix starts with a ph and makes an ‘f’ sound. He learned about fat with a ph and decided, if it doesn’t stink but makes a cool loud sound it is a fart with a ph. He is adjusting well to his new little brother. The first time I heard Heath say his individual prayers after we brought Bennett home he said “please bless us with a... wait I mean Thank you, thank you for our little brother!”. He has been praying so long for a little brother it was almost a habit. I think he is ready for him to play; he keeps putting things in his bassinet for him to play with. He also had all his stuffed monkeys out the other day and was playing with them and then brought in Perry the platypus and said, “We are adopting him.” It has been so fun watching him take on the role of big brother.

The other day he was playing Wii and I said he needed to turn it off and do something for his brain. He asked “like what?” and I said use your imagination. (dangerous words) He played outside digging for a while then he came in and asked “can I sell rocks?” I said sure that is a fun thing to do. I had some vision of a sort of lemonade stand. Rianne came in a few minutes later and said I can’t find Heath. He was nowhere to be found just a few little shovels in the front. I started to panic as the first neighbor we contacted said, "yes he was just here selling rocks." I called for him and then began calling more neighbors one said “yes, he was here, I asked if you knew where he was and he said yeah she said it was ok.” Well there goes Mom of the Month. I couldn’t really get too mad at him when we found him, he said he only went to houses of people he knew and technically I did give him permission. He also asked last night how much tithing he should pay on his rock sales totaling 30 cents. I think they may be the sweetest 3 pennies ever paid in tithing.

1 comment:

Tera said...

I knew that boy and I were kindred spirits, ROCKS & RUNNING! Life is good when you have those to things.