Thursday, November 3, 2011

How Halloween Happens

We did most of our celebrating around Rianne's birthday but I hope I never grow out of celebrating holidays. The holiday happenings are changing as my kids grow up.
We went out and enjoyed an autumn evening and carved some pumpkins and enjoyed some dinner. Can you believe Heath once wore this shirt?

Sunday was the only part of the happenings where we actually coordinated.

I made another attempt at bat wings and the Larsen’s were good sports.

Our costumes prove that my kids are growing up; they didn’t want to go with a theme for Halloween. Rianne was a Hippie with her friend Sydney.
Heath was Dash, and was upset that everyone called him, Mr. Incredible. (I told him it was because of his big muscles, he was not impressed).
I ended up being the leftovers in the costume box. At least Bishop and I happened to coordinate.
Maybe if we can get a baby I can convince the family into dressing with a theme again, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for next year. It was still a Happy Halloween.

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