Sunday, May 1, 2011

Signs of Growth

I knew today would be special Heath came into our room at 6:00am dressed for church. That NEVER happens! He must have had something important to do; for the first time, Heath shared his testimony in church. He has talked about doing it before, but has never gone up. I never go up with them, when they are ready they do it. He said mom I'm going to today I said ok what are you going to say? He told me that Jesus makes his tummy feel better when he says sorry, that he likes the scriptures Dad reads to him. I said well when this person is done you can go up he sat on the side of me and when it was his turn I said ok you can go up now. Without hesitation he took off to the microphone and got scared at first he just breathed into it but finally he said "I'd like to bare his testimony, I know the church is true" I love the scriptures and I like when my dad reads them to me" then he thought a little more and closed.
He seemed to grow before my eyes. 
another amazing thing happened, he didn't change his clothes the minute he got home
He got me out of the bench and I shared mine too. On the way home I told him how happy I was that he had a testimony. He said I didn't remember everything and I let him know I forget what I am going to say too, I get really nervous too! Heath can test our patience, when family home evening or scripture study don't go very smooth and I start to get frustrated Brant whispers "Brush strokes" to me. (Elder Bednar shared a story about brush strokes in General conference) Today on the way home when Brant whispered "Brush strokes" to me, I thought my heart would overflow! Little moments matter because he is growing from boy to Man! 
We measure our kids on New Year's Day in a door frame. Brant's mom has a door frame with marks and dates for nearly everyone in the family. Every kid loves to see how much they have grown. Heath has surely gotten a lot taller this year already, some of that growth I only notice when his clothes get too small but today I noticed he is growing up in other ways too.

I have found that door ways are interesting places signifying coming and going. I have to admit there is spiritual door way where change is recorded and notches with little marks of noted significance. I can look back at moments in my life when a notch took place and I stood a little taller. I remember Jana before but because of experiences I'm not that Jana anymore. I have been a member of the church all of my life no dramatic changes that people notice. Most of changes people might not recognize but I think different, I feel different and I am different. I'm grateful for those notches but usually after the fact, nobody likes growing pains. I am so grateful for the atonement of Christ which makes change possible. I know I have a loving Heavenly Father who keeps providing opportunities for growth and measuring my growth not comparing to others. Someday, (hopefully after some more growth) I will grow up and out of this earth life. I know He holds the door open for our coming into His presence. The Church is true, I to have a testimony Heath, I love yours let's keep growing together!


John and Lindsay said...

Man I can't believe how grown up they both are. We were talking today with our Home Teacher about all the fun we all used to have as a group in Cedar.
Easter looked like so much fun we are so sad that we missed it.
Hope all is good with you and your family.

Natalie said...

Way to go Heath!

Love the "brush strokes" you are making with your cute family. And for the great reminder of the "notches" we all have in our own lives.

Moonlight said...

Wow Jana...I cried when I read that...That is so sweet...I love the brush strokes!!

Moonlight said...

Wow..they do grow fast!!! I love the brush strokes...I do the same thing with my kids..when they are ready they are ready...Trevor went up for the first time last year!! it was great!!

McKay Brown said...

Thanks for the great sermon. It's beautifully written, heartfelt and to the point. I'll be using that someday soon.

Congratulations to Heath on doing such an awesome job and being just a great dude!

We love and miss you guys. We need to rendezvous in Kanab soon!