Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Chickens

Snow and Sun Spring has Sprung! Last Saturday we were shoveling snow and this Saturday we were barbequing! Heath is no chicken whatever season shows up!  
We had some visitors who think they are Spring Chickens. My folks drove 12 hours Tuesday and left at 4 in the morning Saturday for another 12 hour trip home—I hope they recover. They aren't as young as they used to be, literally my mom shared her birthday with us.
Brant wore a happy birthday tie to work just for her and made her fish, her favorite. She shared with Heath who also loves fish.
My dad said when he told her they WOULD be visiting us for her birthday it was like the Bosch Christmas—side story: my mom is easy going so sometimes it is hard to get a reaction out of her but the year my dad surprised her with a Bosch mixer and her OH Oh Oh reaction is renowned throughout family, it's how we gauge someone's excitement! It made me feel pretty good that a visit with us would even make that list. Dad said she almost jumped as high!
What is a birthday without cake, even if you have diabetes. I think she was impressed with Heath's b-day gift a porky pooper (such a thoughtful kid). Ria was a little more stumped because she knew grandma collects pigs then inspiration hit and she said "I like pigs too I'll give her pigs the way I like them" (bacon) it was pretty funny!
The rest of the time we put them to work Dad fixed our fence and gate, Mom spoiled us with good food and a special treat (her deviled eggs are the best). I love Heath's devilish face in this one!

We drug them all over and they put up with my busy schedule. They brought us some camping stuff, which we will need for the Trek. They also brought us pork & (lots of it) It was Quick but we will take what we can get! It was great to have them here. Hope they will hop back soon!
Saturday at the Easter Egg Hunt

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Glad you had a great visit with your parents. The only thing they forgot to bring you was me!!! :)