Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sum it up!

In one my many experiences with teenage Sunday school (The absolute best calling in the church). I had a kid telling me about competing in the cipher down (math competitions). He said they got all pumped up, chanting Sum it up, Sum it up! While I don't share his enthusiasm for Math sometimes a good shout is in order just to make you feel better. I have been working on my masters and this fall I was accepted into the psychology program here at NAU and I am officially pursuing a masters in human relations. My dad asked me why human relations I told him it was because they don't offer one in bovine relations, (That's what he has his masters in J).
I was feeling pretty down about this semester and everything I intended to do and didn't. I was enrolled full time and it was probably too much! This has been a very stressful semester but when you SUM it Up. it makes me feel much better!
  • all the paperwork to get into my program, because they are no longer offering the masters I was going to pursue, good change just more work.
  • I taught a brain processes class in NV for a couple days
  • Adoption process which included a conference, fingerprinting etc. (hopefully in January we'll be on line)
  • Bought a house & moved in (sort of we can now park in the garage!)
  • Brant's crazy travel schedule which included a trip to Alaska. (which left me the majority of the unpacking)
  • Being a mom maybe not a good one but still a lot involved in that
  • Both my kids had birthdays! And My best friend had one with us too J
  • Taught noodle making and Sunday lesson in Relief Society (in addition to my Sunday school calling)
  • Took a book of Mormon institute class (so worth it)
  • Halloween which involved the sewing of a platypus tail or a friend did. Thanks Annette for the curtains too, and painting the wall,
  • Didn't get out thank you cards but I INTEDNED to so I thought of it often, I did, however do my visiting teaching!
  • Started an in-home business (it's not going great, I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about it)
  • Holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas Preparations!
  • Heath and his many dentist appointments
  • All the Homework, Papers and projects, quizzes etc.
  • Still managed to cook dinner a few times, do some loads of laundry, dishes, help Ria with some homework
When you put it all out there, I do see how my burdens have been made light! How stressed I was and that I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but better than expected with all of the above going on and some not listed. I do enjoy the subject matter, for now enjoying the break. Next semester I have statistics, so wish me luck!


Natalie said...

You rock!!! You are a great mom, a great wife, and a great student. You are so amazing to get all that done. Love ya!

Michelle said...

Good luck! I thought I was going to struggle with Stats, but it was actually very interesting. I liked it alot. Although I can pretty much sumerize the class in the knowledge that no stat you here is correct, and unbiased. You are a rockstar! I'm thinking about going back to school.... but admire you for doing it!!!

Staci said...

Being a mother is a super busy job, I can't imagine getting a degree at the same time! Way to Go!