Monday, October 12, 2009

WOW, Hot Dog!

I received the coveted Wife of the Week award! This is an award not to be given lightly; it was awarded on a Monday! Who just gives that out so early in the week? My husband! If you know Brant you know how much he loves hot dogs! Well, I got him the nice polish dogs put em' in sleeping bags and

I was the obvious choice for Wife Of The WEEK (WOW)! Sorry to all my competition (wives 2 and 3), it is all me this week! Brant is covering some additional travel for work, I am not a good single mom, but I am Wife of the Week! Come home soon & safe. We miss you already!


Tera said...

Your such a stud! I need to make those for Isaac, he loves hot dogs.

Natalie said...

It's always all about you! And you always get that award. Not fair. I'm beginning to think you are the favorite!

Unknown said...

Wow, way to go, wife of the week! I'm beginning to think you always win, but you deserve it!

Gerilyn said...

Hey, I am so sorry! My computer crashed and I didn't see any of the comments till now. I would have loved to see you! Kyle actually was at the game with my kids. I had to stay home with a sick kid. Thanks for the offer though!

McKay said...

Congratulations Jana. You certainly deserve the award. I can only imagine with a peanut butter pie you would have locked it up for a months. Imagine that plaque!