Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Weekend Adventure

On Friday our friends Matt & Susanna invited us to the movie at the square. The kids loved the outdoor adventure. Before the movie started Heath was jammin' with the band it was so funny. He is such a rock star! Apparently Bolt wasn't action packed enough for him; he fell asleep not too long after intermission.

Then on Saturday we went to a BBQ @ the park, our kids loved the inflatable toys, ice cream and of course the lizard they found near the playground. Next it was off to "the desert". Heath says he loves the desert, in our job search adventures he kept saying he wanted to move to the desert!

We drove to Scottsdale to watch our Nephew Brandon play a football game (He plays for Snow). When we got there the kids immediately said it is so hot, the sun went down and they still had red sweaty faces. If you know me you know I was in heaven, I would even say I got warm! I could so live in the heat but my family would melt!! Another reason why I think Flagstaff is perfect for us! When we picked up the program we saw that the head coach for the fighting artichokes was a guy Brant played football with at Utah State. The Badgers won and why wouldn't they were playing a team with the mascot of an artichoke, I found that very amusing. After the game we got to visit with Brandon it was so great to see him. Also we visited with Coach Mad Dog, who was amazed with how big Brant has gotten! When Doug was a senior Brant had just returned from his mission to play and was maybe 205 lbs! We returned early Sunday morning (1:30am). On Sunday Brant was called to be the cubmaster. What a weekend! Can I just add I love, love, love that it is officially college football season! Let the games begin and bring on the BOWLS!


Unknown said...

Can I just say how much I miss you! I'm happy to hear that you guys are liking Flagstaff. I sure miss the Arizona heat. Especially when I have to deal with the very cold Eastern Idaho winters.

Ashley Jackson said...

Sounds like you guys are really enjoying yourselves down there in the heat. How fun that you got to go to Brandon's game. He said he was so excited to see you guys and was happy you came. Fun times for you guys in Arizona, I'm glad you're enjoying it:)

Unknown said...

Can't tell you how much I love Heath's face in that picture. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying your new home.

Stephanie said...

Sounds like you guys are fitting right in. I love Flagstaff. I also love football season too. It gets to be this time of year and I get all giddy to go to games.

Sheenalynne said...

Jana Brown my long lost friend who lives in Flagstaff now:) I do love your Blog it is cute and the kids are so big.

Anne of Green Barlows said...

Looks like you are all loving Arizona! So glad that you are finally getting warm:) There is nothing like being in a college town...there are always a ton of fun things to do!

Katie said...

Your blog is super fun! Hailey was so excited when I told her Rianne would be riding the bus home with her on Thursday. She rides bus 26.