Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monkey Business

We are so grateful for the sale of our house but moving is less thrilling! So we began by packing up and putting things into a storage shed until we know for sure where we will land.

One of our monkey's was the best helper, so we met Grandma & Grandpa a little early so the final packing would go a little smoother. See how much help he was?

So we finished the final packing and cleaning loaded our vehicles and headed to a play?

Rianne was in the play Jungle book as a monkey.

If I knew how to shorten a video to add it to a blog you could check it out L

They made them change so quick I never got an individual picture of her in her costume, she did a fantastic job!

After the play, a few more goodbyes, I held together pretty good until Rianne had to hug her best friend goodbye. They were both really having a hard time saying goodbye. As we walked away Rianne said "mom it hurts" all I could say is "I know I'm going to miss them too!" I wish I had those wondermom kisses that make everything better!
We just love Alison and we are really going to miss both her and her mom Jodi.
So that was our final act of Rock Springs!
I may not miss Rock Springs but there are so many people I'm really going to miss in Rock Springs!

We drove that night to Brant's sister Kanani's house stayed there. (Thanks Kanani & Kelsey)

Then off to beautiful Kanab with Brant's incredibly kind parents until we secure other employment!


Unknown said...

Oh moving is no fun! Loved the pictures of the kids as always. I hope you guys will know where you will be going soon. I know I sure hate the not-knowing stage. Good luck, our prayers are with you!

Team Millward said...

Those pics are darling! I can't believe you are moving from RS before making a trek down to Denver! I'm sure everything will work out. Who knows, maybe you'll come to CO!