Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Martin's Cove

On Friday we went to Martin's Cove. Because of the move we are going to miss our ward doing the Trek so we really wanted to go, even if we didn't get the full experience. It was so awesome! It is about a 5 mile loop up to the cove and all the stories, Really is miraculous that even one from that party survived. Natalie came with us which made it even better! I am not sure if the kids understood much but they liked the picnic! This is all of us in the picture Heath's little head is coming out of Brant's elbow!
The hardest part for me was a little bit of a surprise, Natalie got a picture but I don't have one. Brant insisted I get in the handcart, while he pulled me & the kids up a sandy hill, Natalie was the angel in the back. I was fine until I could see Brant really struggling, I said "I can get out honey" he repeated "No I want to do this". It must have been so hard for the sick to ride emotionally, to be an added burden. I guess it really hit me because that is what I feel like with Brant that I hold him back and add burdens to him. It was just physically demonstrated in the handcart. We did make him get in once and we all pulled through this easy part of the trail, It was work for me. I thought of the pioneer story of the little lady like 5'2" or something her husband says he can't go on she says I'm not going without you and pulls her 200 something pound husband up a hill. I am not Pioneer like. Anyway it was a great experience! I better get Back to packing!


Tonia said...

it looks like you had a good time. We did a trek like that up at Cove Fort one year when I was in young women's. It was a good learning experience.

Natalie said...

Thanks for the great trip! I had such a fun time with you guys. And what a great place Martin's Cove is and all that it represents. I'd be glad to be you guy's angel anyday- I'm always here to back you up- just like you are always there for me. Love you!

Ashley Jackson said...

Looks like lots of fun. We should go up there sometime, I love seeing all the Church sites and hearing all the stories. Best of luck with the move. We have just finished ours for now and are in California but we will be moving again in a couple months, it never ends for us:)

Clarkson said...

Hey guys! Good luck with the job hunt and all. Our stake is heading to Martin's Cove for youth conference. Too bad I don't get to go! John & Chelsea