Sunday, June 8, 2014

Head in the Sand

I thought we would let Rianne try out beach volleyball this year my very good friend Nick helps Ryan Mariano with his sand program.  I thought it would be a good experience for her just to have some practices.  Once she had the sand get in her toes it made it to her heart. 
She was so excited to play in her first tournament I had my apprehensions would her partner be annoyed being paired with such a Rookie seriously 6 sand practices, Also she is small and I didn’t want her to get crushed.  Ryan in a way only Ryan can get away with said she either hide or rise.  To add to my anxiety I would not be able to take her.  Emily and Jake volunteered to take her while Brant and I were at a Doctor’s appointment. 
When we arrived we found out she was paired with a High School girl.  She was on the beginners net so it was her partner’s first tournament too but still way more volleyball experience than Ria.
  I braced myself to see her in tears but when we got to her court she was holding her own, red faced and sweaty that girl was working and she wasn’t too bad either.  What blew me away was her smile, she was loving everything about it.  Now she is talking saving money for sand, playing sand, in sand this and in sand that… This girl has her head in the sand!  Next adventure…She is off to her 1st Girl’s Camp should be pretty “sweet” (Candyland theme)     

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