Friday, September 20, 2013

Called to Celebrate

We met in the middle from Dylan’s B-day  and Heath’s and did a companion party with a missionary theme.  Their primary class has a bunch of Boys and in 10 years I hope we are celebrating as they open their mission calls! 

When the boys arrived at the "MTC" we had them pick where they wanted to go on their missions and took pictures of them pointing to the world map.  For missionary training we played some games they loved the missionary relay.  It was so cute to see them helping each other.  I'm sure Annette took better and more pictures than me. 
What would the MTC be with out some food.  We had cake and ice cream and then they opened packages :).  For goodie bag we had earth bouncy balls and Annette made them each a tie.  

On his actual birthday I took his class some treats one of his classmates said cool I’m going to have my mom get candy bars with my name on it. 

Crazy that he is 8 so glad he got to celebrate!   


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