Friday, May 31, 2013

Movin' on up

My kids are movin’ on.  Bennett is FINALLY starting to communicate mostly signs but it is coming and everyday he is moving and climbing up on something.  Heath was awarded most athletic for the 2nd year in row he says next year he is going for science award J.  He is movin’ on to the gifted program.  The day school got out I got the 3rd call to have him play club basketball that starts for 2nd graders (I’m still resisting it).  For now I am pleased with his academic and athletic skills. I can’t believe he will be moving on to 2nd grade! 
Rianne with be moving on and up to middle school!  She received some awards at the end of school too.  The Lamp of Knowledge for someone who worked hard to always do her best she worked very hard for her 4.0.  I would have never guessed I would have kids who do so well in school.  She also got a medal for performance, which she was perfect for.  She was in every play they offered and loves it.  Time is moving too fast but I am glad that traditions last,

we enjoyed the School’s Out shaving cream party.     



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