Sunday, August 12, 2012


Here is a sum up of our summer---Give me more Summer days!

I have some more projects like this to do.
Brant painted the trim of the house with some help

and I was sick and our young women came over to help.

He even painted my door red, He said having Heath help was like working with a 6 year old :)

He also has the front almost looking like a yard but there is always MORE summer projects to do some we need more money for ;). maybe we should have done a few more lemonade stands

I want some more trips to Kanab visiting family, wishing my kids saw their cousins more.
Here was a quick trip for Dalton's reception
Of course I want more of the carefree summer days of climbing trees, bike rides, building forts, taking hikes and sucking down popsicles.

double bonus climbing trees with cousins
I don’t have any pictures but Rianne and Heath did a rock wall climb and I was very impressed with Rianne’s determination she made it to the top on all but the expert path. She is strong!
Bennett's 1st swim
Wish we’d had some more trips to the pool. Heath is now a level 3 swimmer.

Also would have loved s’more camping trips.

Which include some guy time games, while mothers fight with sleepy kids

See Heath needed more sleep, he was asleep before we were even on pavement.

As always we need more time with the Udall's.
Bennett loves Jordan
Loved the summer Olympics and could have watched even more. Here are the kids watching olympics while we stayed in a hotel

Summer we made more memories and even though it goes too fast and leaves me wanting Some-more. It does remind me it’s the little things I’m grateful for; the lazy days of summer when life slows down and we just enjoy being together.

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