Sunday, March 29, 2015

Out of Gold and Luck!

Bennett had to go under for all the work he needed done, on his teeth and for what it costs you’d think they were gold fillings ;) it was a little nerve racking to go through all medical history stuff, with the risk of anesthesia, when the doctor was trying to reassure me he said in the 20 years he’s been here he has only had one, I ask was it a Native American he said actually yes, well that was real reassuring!    Bennett was so quick he avoided the first attempt but he was out of Luck he went under and it went well. 
Our annual Pot of Luck was out of luck this year I just wasn’t feeling up for it, really makes me blue luckily we have friends with hearts of Gold, Kept it simple but didn’t have to miss out completely and Rianne is a fabulous Leprechaun for her brothers! 
Even though he wrote GO IRISH on all our brackets!  Just like Notre Dame we are out of Luck in our picks!   

So lucky to have this kid (I am getting old College students are kids) as my assistant coach.   
He is a great balance for me and one of the Best I’ve ever worked with!  Look at how good he is with Bennett! 
Before the tournament we were lucky enough to go to the train park Bennett lovin’ every bridge (he doesn’t say that quite right) and tunnel it was pure gold!
You would think being Lucky enough to go to so many sporting events this kid could figure it I wish I could have captured his face when were cheering on NAU he was so perplexed at why we were yelling but happy they were lucky enough to pull off the BIG win!   

Heath also tried his Luck at the pinewood derby and had fun he did get a golden ticket advancing him to districts.      

 I feel pretty Lucky to have spent so much time together as a Family this month and that is worth more than Gold! 


Sunday, March 8, 2015

LOVE a good Game

I love a good game, I don’t just mean the swat to the behind either.  I am not much for the blow out but just a solid good game!  

Heath loves sports, ESPN and basketball (wait aren’t those all the same game?)  notice sports on the TV!    Bennett loves trains and we are trying to train him but he thinks everything is a game!

I had my apprehensions about coaching my own kid in volleyball but I think we both love it!  She brings the energy I lack and she is so great to use my knowledge of the game and seems to soak it in.   

I love this man and how he seems to be able to shoulder everything! 
 I did a candy gram ( I know you want one)
It was quite a game sneaking it to Brant’s boss was so kind to put it up and decorate his office for me. 

Brant was very surprised!
  For our anniversary (Brant was in charge) we kept it low key.  I got a IV treatment I am so used to needles I can hug them.
We did go on a small hike and even if it was just for a weekend it was great to just be us!   15 years of very good games!