Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good times Roll

I have become a little too attached to Easter in Kanab. I always wish I can do both Johnson’s and the Brown’s but I love rolling eggs, Brown style. This year we went big with our Goose eggs they were a HUGE hit-- thanks Sis Parker!
Bennett's 1st Easter
Although we missed the Johnson egg hunt the kids still got to do some hunting.
I love how they hunt for the empty egg in their baskets. On a side note Heath had an egg hunt at school. Some of the eggs didn’t get filled, while some kindergartners were disappointed, Heath was happy he found 2 Jesus eggs :) 

Grandpa always helps with the one at the park for kids 8 and under. 
Then we dyed Easter Eggs I loved Ria’s Golden Goose egg (school bus style)

Then it was off to roll them.
Bennett’s first time rolling. He’ll get into it more next year ;)

Rianne loves it she went on a little hike and also enjoyed batting the cracked eggs
Heath still seems to fill in the tracks while he is jumping around but he had a good time too!

It was so fun I just have to include this picture of Grandpa Brown and Nate
Rianne was too old for the first egg hunt so she was super excited to have one in Grandma and Grandpa’s yard. We had a good time hiding them and even the big cousins got in on the hunt. We were rolling with laughter, thanks for the tips Shaye ;)

Nice find Brady
One of the things that helped Bennett’s birth mom select us was because she wanted him surrounded by family--- CHECK!
2 youngest cousins
Bennett is no longer the youngest our niece Anna had her baby over the Easter weekend,  more buddies for Bennett. 
I know he is new and the novelty of being adopted will wear off and soon he’ll just be Bennett. We want him to always feel like he fits, we worry about him feeling different and then Lacee came and when she held him I just felt so much peace -- he fits. Here he is with his Cuban cousin ;)

I did get to sneak in a quick visit with the Johnson’s I am so excited for D and Aub’s baby boy. Derek was the closest cousin to my age and we had some good times. I hope our boys we’ll enjoy each other as much as we are here as kids.

Easter Sunday
Brant’s sister Kanani and family rolled through town during their spring break trip. My kids have the BEST cousins!
What about this kid who will roll with all the punches or in this case, drummers.

We saw Korean drummers tonight as part of international week at NAU. At the end they invited the audience to join them, Ria jumped right in on that.

Although He isn’t rolling over yet he is 3 months today and seems to roll with our craziness! We love his smiles and on Sunday he gave his first laugh!

The good times just keep Rolling!


Jonathon and Amanda said...

So fun! I'm sad we didn't make it to Kanab this year. Luckily we get to see you in about a month!

Unknown said...

Loved seeing all your Easter pictures. Wish we had been there! I was jealous when I heard Lacee got to hold Bennett for a long time. He is so cute, can't wait to meet him in person!


Ashley Jackson said...

So glad we got to see you guys in Kanab over Easter and I was lucky enough to hold sweet little Bennett!! We were bummed you had to leave so soon but we look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks at the family reunion!!!

Natalie said...

So fun! Love your red heels! And of course I LOVE the new background page- adorable!!

Natalie said...

Oh and...I don't think the novelty of Bennett will ever wear off- he is and always will be a special little gift. And I have no doubt that he "fits" right in with all the people who love him.