Sunday, August 21, 2011

Too cool for school

Well here they are the first day of school.

Heath is in kindergarten, when I asked him how it went he responded with “Grandpa Jeff was right it was actually pretty lame”. He was really upset when he thought they were taking his stuff when they got his supplies out of his backpack, he didn’t know it was still his and he would just keep it at school. And he did NOT want to leave his water bottle at his desk all night. Once we explained it and found a water bottle he could feel comfortable leaving and he was much better.

The next day he was a little upset that “all day all we learned were rules”. He is doing much better now as he has settled into a routine, he still complains about standing in lines all day but for the most part he is glad to go and glad to come home. At the open house his teacher described him as independent, and that he is! Rianne is now in 4th grade she loves school. Here she is on the 4th day of 4th grade. She is so good to watch out for Heath and worries over him like a mom!

The best thing about school starting was it meant our good friends the Udall’s are back! Rianne has waited all summer to give Hailey this shirt.

It is a reminder of good times they shared screaming for ice cream. Funny girls, we only wish they could have found a place to rent that put them in the same school.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Aw Jana, you make us feel so loved. I honestly thought that after leaving for the summer and then moving even further away, you guys would give up on being our friends. It means a lot that you are willing to hang out and eat chicken nuggets :). Hailey wears her ice cream shirt every chance she can get! You guys are the best!