Sunday, September 25, 2011

6 in the mix

Well as crazy and mixed up as life is my kids keep growing up and now my little man is a six! On Saturday we let him take his friend Cooper out for Pizza, it was a good time, and Heath had some skills on Space ship game and scored some prizes. Heath likes a schedule and to know exactly what to expect. We have been working on being flexible and he did a good job just going with the flow that day.

Then on Sunday we had cake and ice cream. Heath wanted a guitar cake that said Heath Rocks!  Not my best work but he enjoyed it. 
As you can see his birthday revolves around food. After breakfast I told him to brush his teeth, he said but mom today is my birthday I don't have to do anything I don't want to, I shook my head and said Brush your teeth! 
This boy can eat and I think he could have 6 meals a day, I’m nervous for when he’s a teenager.

On his actual birthday Monday we took birthday treats in to the school, peanut butter balls then for Family home evening we had his spotlight and gave him, his gift a race track, he was thrilled!
Heath is very independent, he is problem solver, He is a different thinker but so smart. I love the bond he and Ria share, even if it does make him come up with a “kid’s cave”. That’s right my 6 year old has man brain here they are in the cave.